Reflexive Performance Reset (RPR) Neurological Reset Sessions

Who is RPR, neurological resets for:

Whether you are an average Joe or housewife-mom, athlete or senior, RPR is what you need to be pain-free and move effortlessly in your body. Combined with Resistance-Stretching, you have a powerful set of tools to be pain-free into your 90’s.

Why you need RPR, neurological resets:
Primarily due to stress starting in childhood and to this day your body has been knocked out of the optimal-efficient-hierarchy to fire muscles and move the body. The optimal-efficient-hierarchy is the best and pain-free firing order of which muscles should fire first, second, third, etc., etc. This looks like: always breathing well, then lumbar spine stabilization and then limb movement. As you read this, you are probably breathing incorrectly, which knocks you out of the optimal-efficient-hierarchy.

Mostly due to stress over time the messages we send to our muscles become disrupted, disorganized, redirected, causing the wrong muscles to fire at the wrong time and it gets worse every year. This is neurological compensation chaos, and it causes random pains. It used to only be when you’re (typically) past 40 that it starts to really show up. Now it’s becoming regular in teenagers due to stress.

The difference between RPR and Resistance-Stretching:
RPR changes and corrects how your brain interacts or connects to your tissue to reset the mind-body connection on the neurological level to achieve the optimal efficient hierarchy. It corrects and ends the neurological compensations.

For example, we send a message that begins as a thought of a bicep curl, the message travels via neurons, but only fires some of the bicep and then neurologically compensates by firing all our deltoid (shoulder), trapezius, (more shoulder), lumbar spinal erectors and quadriceps (front thigh).

This example is dysfunction and will be pain in the body getting worse over time. This is where RPR comes in. It corrects the direction of the messages sent to the targeted muscle so as to get to the targeted muscles. This restores balance so that body can heal.

Resistance Stretching physically breaks apart “bad” tissue (accumulated dense & dysfunctional fascia), so the body does not have the physical impediment of dysfunctional fascia. This also teaches the mind to connect to the improved tissue.

The basics of this RPR work is actually so simple, you could have learned this as a high school freshman in PE class!

Assessment and Planning:
We initially begin with a ~2-hour conversation to learn your history, hear your symptoms, needs, concerns and goals. I actively listen to gain full understanding of what you are experiencing. This will be a different experience from what often takes place with most doctors who tell you it is either all in your head or it’s just your age and pain is part of aging.

What is involved in each session:
In each mobility session you will either be in a prone or supine on a table, seated or in a standing position. You will be informed and guided through each step, while actively learning new awareness of your body. You will be in control and responsible for your body. I make recommendations that come from 10 years of education, practice and skill. Together we create the needed situation for your body to heal itself, I am not “healing” you. I am the Facilitator with new knowledge and a paradigm shift.

The Process:
Sessions begin with movement screens and your most recent feelings and sensations, and a passive leg raise to assess ROM, range of motion which identifies the level of stress effecting the entire body.

One of the simplest ways to explain the benefits and what happens is that RPR strips stress and its effects out of the body. Everyone knows their stress levels are too high.

Proper breathing techniques are instructed at the beginning as the diaphragm is activated to ensure your ability to maintain control of the CNS, Central Nervous System, decrease anxiety, and increase results.

At the session’s end, I will offer & instruct on suggestions for self-stretching that you can do between your sessions.

Where the magic happens:
By touching specific neuro-muscular-fascial activation points and teaching you to do it yourself, we can activate the body’s desired optimal efficient hierarchy to restore the system back into balance (homeostasis, read as, unstressed and functional).

This restores the ability to move with grace, balance, speed and force with the most ease. The work starts in the chest bone and bottom ribs to neurologically activate the diaphragm muscle. The diaphragm is responsible for optimal respiration and is always turned off by the stress we carry.

By the way, just going to Yoga or breathwork classes does not restore the diaphragm to the level that RPR does, especially yoga. Yogi’s still come to us to restore mobility and balance in their bodies.

If you would like to super-charge your results, there is a deeper “magic” in the sessions that we can discuss in your consultation.

Results to expect:
As we progress through your body to optimize the desired optimal-efficient-hierarchy, we teach you how to do it on your own.

Simultaneously this ends the random yet severe aches and pains that doctors, drugs, alcohol, most chiropractors, massage and some surgeries are unable to give you relief. Interesting fact: 50% of MCL & ACL (cruciate ligaments) repair surgeries are unsuccessful because it was a neurological compensation, mis-firing pattern all along.

RPR is more efficient and effective than PNF stretching (used by PT’s), Yoga, and all known and commonly taught styles of stretching and especially exercise. Very often, one week to one month of sessions yields more results for people with severe dysfunctional movement and or pain than does one to six months of Physical Therapy, The Stretch-Lab, Stretch-U, or Yoga classes and especially more than personal training session with your typical personal trainer.

It’s important to know that most of the world’s paradigm to get stronger or have more balance is “do an exercise”, but if muscles and nerves are turned off and “mis-wired” to the wrong muscle, you cannot strengthen something that will not turn on! In fact, this is why so many people get hurt by 1, their own work outs, 2, the average personal trainer or 3, just get no results.

When you watch the testimonial videos and read the stories of hundreds of others who have had life-changing results, you learn that the results people receive are greater than what a person typically gets elsewhere. RPR does not treat the symptoms, it reveals the root of the problem so that your body is able to heal. I am the Facilitator, I am not a “therapist”.

No massage franchise can even begin to compare.
Currently, I am the only person in this area actively performing RPR.

Monthly Group Classes:
Additionally, the twice monthly, 90-minute group Mobility-Class is another recommendation for anyone who hasn’t mastered their own flexibility and mobility. This class given at New Found Strength Studio teaches you how to be self-sufficient and not rely on others. However, if you prefer, I also offer 1-on-1 assistance, I am happy to help you.

Reflexive Performance Reset can be found by the same name at their site. RPR is a combination of high-level collegiate coaches and an elite power lifter who came together to offer this amazing system. These are men who teach and physically perform at high levels of competition, and they naturally look for methods that truly enhance performance naturally and minimize or end excessive wear and tear on the body.

They learned and modified the techniques from Douglas Heel, a South African Physiotherapist who had combined previously known techniques with completely new awareness, concepts and techniques to create the business and technique called, Be Activated. RPR is a slimmed downed American version.


At New Found Strength (NFS), the goal is simple:
Improve people’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual quality of life so they can “Be Healthy, Be Happy”. That’s the motto at NFS, “Be Healthy, Be Happy”.

Let’s partner for a healthier, happier you:
I invite you to partner with me and begin the journey to improving your everyday life through RPR, Reflexive Performance Reset and Resistance-Stretching for stable-flexibility and pain-free-mobility. Everyone knows that they should take care of themselves regularly, but few take the time, have the energy, discipline, or any idea of what to do. Some have tried, but they are already so tight their own attempts are painful, so they give up. I’m the solution to those problems.

I’m here to help people, that’s my purpose in this world. I’ve learned that when I help people, it’s helps me to grow and evolve into the best version of myself.

Session benefits:
I offer 60, 90, or 120 minute sessions with extremely reasonable pricing. The sessions are always very safe and productive. The typical comment from a person post session is, “My legs/arms feel lighter, I’m moving easier”. “I am more awake than ever and I’m more connected to my body than I ever”. “My pain is gone”.

I highly recommend the 90 minute session over the 60 minute session. The longer session greatly adds to the results that can be achieved.
Everyone benefits from these sessions; my clients range from athletic teens to regular moms/dads, to weightlifters, to professional athletes, Olympians, body competitors, and seniors in their 90’s.

On many occasions, a person walks or limps in with neck spasms or neck pain, knee pain, lower back pain and 90 minutes later, they are comfortably walking out with a smile of relief. Additionally, they are now equipped with self-corrective techniques to use if they have a problem in the future.

The desired effect is to gain more flexibility and increased mobility under a load (life is under a load); to teach the brain how to efficiently fire, direct and control the spine (!), limbs and whole body through a more optimal pain-free range of motion.

Benefits of New Found Strength RPR and Resistance Stretching Session:

REDUCTION OF:                             


Muscular tension

Tissue Flexibility & Joint mobility

Chronic pain

Comfortable range of motion

Aching joints

Optimal Effortless Posture

Weakness & imbalance

Performance: Functional and athletic

Neuro Compensations

Core Strength, Balance, Steadiness

Initial injury Potential

Blood Circulation, Nerve Innervation


Feeling of Well-being, Serenity

Brain fog

Mental Clarity

High Blood Pressure


Intestinal issues, Constipation

Correct pressure in Abdominal cavity

Anxiety Stress

Functionality of 5 Senses


Happiness & Health