RPR (Reflexive Performance Reset) + Breathwork + SMR/Foam Roller Group Class


… and we can get you breathing well with ease, soon!


Who is this multi-faceted 3-part class for:
EVERYONE! This class provides a foundation for a stable balanced body that can perform either the DAL, Daily Activities of Living or set PR, Personal Records in the fitness world like running, Cross-Fit. This class is what you need to be more pain-free and move effortlessly in your body, while being de-stressed, calm and relaxed. This will improve your Yoga.


This small group class provides techniques you need to become self-sufficient in your flexibility & mobility, to remove tension, pain and increase your quality of life.


The in-person class has room for 10 people. You can also take it via Google Meet, the app. You will receive 1-on-1 attention in this class.


Anyone of any age or condition or fitness level can take the class. Each technique or movement is done at the level that each person can handle and if regression-modifications are needed, you will receive it with 1-on-1 attention.


Come learn a PARADIGM SHIFT from everything the world is doing in context to mobility and learn what actually works. Especially for the RPR, neurological resets (please see its own page HERE) & breathwork!


The Process:


Class starts with RPR to create the neurological foundation of the body which happens on the spine and pelvic muscles. You will learn to active your diaphragm, the psoas and your glutes by touching the activation points or “on switch” for each of these.


Part 1 sets you up for part 2 because your CNS shifts from Sympathetic to Para-Sympathetic, Fight or Flight to Rest & Digest.


Part 2 of class is breathwork. Now that your diaphragm has been activated, you’ll truly know what a deep, satisfying breath is and increase the effectiveness of breathwork. Typically, breathwork coaches never do the activation because they don’t know it.


Breathwork with a highly functional diaphragm will continue to de-stress the body and take you further into Para-Sympathetic, into Rest & Digest mode. Now you will be able to connect with your body, its messages to you and others, the way it was meant to be. You will have more peace.


Part 2 of class prepares for part 3 so it’s more effective.


Part 3 focuses on effective foam rolling techniques, also known as Self-Myofascial Release, or SMR. It goes far beyond just the common foam-roller tool into many objects as tools to help release tissue.
Again, you will learn a PARADIGM SHIFT from everything the world is doing in context to mobility and learn what actually works. These proprietary techniques get the most results with the least discomfort.


Foam rollers are tools that, using the proper techniques, can be used to improve the function of your muscular connective tissues (think of tendons, ligaments, etc.) by taking pressure off of them by releasing tension in the muscles and even fascia.


In brief, the World makes it look simple, but their way hurts. Mine does not. Theirs will not be long term effective. My overall instruction will keep you moving well to 95.


Results to expect:


You will feel very calm, relaxed, limber, taller & lighter, with more mental clarity than before. You will either take a great nap or sleep extra that night. This will allow your body to recover the way it has been needing for years.
Further you’ll develop friends in unique community, feel younger than your age and be able to maintain a healthier mind and body by yourself free.


Monthly Group Classes:


This is the 3rd group class of each month typically held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9:30AM for 90 minutes. Ask to be put on the email list for class notices, contact me HERE.


The other two are typically the 1st Saturday and 2nd Sunday (not concurrent though) at 9:30AM. Ask to be put on the email list for class notices, contact me HERE.


The other two monthly, 90-minute group Mobility Classes are recommendations for anyone who hasn’t mastered their own flexibility and mobility and for all ages.


The first two classes focus on “Resistance-Stretching” (explained HERE) and shortly on RPR. This is not resistance training!


Classes here teach you to be self-sufficient and not rely on others. However, I also offer 1-on-1 sessions, I am happy to help you.
If you would like to chat with me about a 1-on-1 session, please call (951) 901-8348 or contact me here.




At New Found Strength (NFS), the goal is simple:
Improve people’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual quality of life so they can,
“Be Healthy, Be Happy”. That’s the motto: “Be Healthy, Be Happy”.

Let’s partner for a healthier, happier you:


I invite you to partner with me and begin the journey to improving your everyday life through RPR, Breathwork, & Resistance-Stretching for flexibility and mobility.


Everyone knows that they should do some stretching and movement regularly, but few take the time, have the energy, discipline, or any idea of what to do. Some have tried, but they are already so tight their own attempts are painful, so they give up. I can teach you what works and does not hurt.


I’m here to help people, that’s my purpose in this world. I’ve learned that when I help people, it’s helps me to grow and evolve into the best version of myself.

REDUCTION OF:                             


Muscular tension

Tissue Flexibility & Joint mobility

Chronic pain

Comfortable range of motion

Aching joints

Optimal Effortless Posture

Weakness & imbalance

Performance: Functional and athletic

Anxiety, Stress & tension

Core Strength, Balance, Steadiness

Initial injury Potential

Blood Circulation, Nerve Innervation


Feeling of Well-being, Serenity

